Friday, August 29, 2008

growing stash

when my grandmother & a friend taught me the basics of crocheting in high school, it was picked up with novel amusement -& to this day, i have several unfinished projects i have no intention of finishing; odd sized granny-squares meant for an afghan, half-finished baby items, etc all shoved in the back of a closet.

i should be eco-freindly by unraveling & recycling the yarn, but i just don't feel like it because i know i won't use them. it's crap acrylic. not crap because it's acrylic, but because it's the itchy weird stuff that i picked up not knowing better many years ago from a large craft store (too inexperienced to realize that there were such things as lys's espcially since there wasn't one in the city i lived in) that doesn't carry many options.

starting this knitting habit & with several lys's at my disposal, i've been (re-)introduced to the yarn game. a few of my favorites from my slowly growing stash:

pagewood farm sock yarn
colorway: bird of paradise

blue sky alpa
cacolorway: mango & ruby
endpaper mitts


colorway: velvet grapes & natural
i've already used the velvet grapes for a

noro 1.5  (2037, 2017)

noro silk garden lite
colorway: 2037 & 2017
project (maybe?):
noro scarf
i think this is currently my favorite of the stash. i've been told the color gets better. i love it so much, i don't even want to use it.

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